Before we conduct a survey, we may send you a presurvey packet containing several forms and other information. We ask you to complete the forms and review and update the other information before our visit. Doing that will make the process faster and more efficient for you.
Here’s what you’ll find in the presurvey packet:
- questionnaire about your community’s fire suppression resources
- computer-generated map(s) showing the boundaries of your fire response area, the locations of your fire stations, and areas that have hydrants, according to our records
- a list of commercial buildings in our ProMetrix® commercial property database, with information about each building
- needed fire flow batch report definitions
We’ll use the information on commercial buildings to help us determine the needed fire flows in various sections of your community — and to choose places where we conduct hydrant flow tests. We ask you to update the information, especially with regard to buildings protected by automatic sprinkler systems. Because buildings protected by sprinklers reduce the otherwise necessary fire suppression resources, we need to identify all such buildings. If you have records of the periodic testing of automatic sprinkler systems, you should have them available for the survey. Those records will help us determine the adequacy of the sprinkler protection.