Saint Louis County, Missouri, recently earned a BCEGS® Class 1 grade for commercial construction and Class 2 for one- and two-family residential construction. Ralph Dorio, ISO community mitigation manager, visited county officials to deliver a Class 1 plaque to honor the county’s efforts. Among several county officials on hand to receive the plaque was Charles A. Dooley, county executive.
“The BCEGS rating system is an invaluable tool that confirms — in an unbiased, external manner — our commitment to the safety and well-being of our community,” said Dooley. “Our ISO rating sends a powerful and unmistakable message to the residents and business owners of St. Louis County that our plan reviewers and inspectors are among the best-qualified in the entire nation.”

Saint Louis County, Missouri, officials receive a Class 1 BCEGS rating plaque from ISO. Pictured, from left to right, are Daniel W. Dreisewerd, P.E., Code Enforcement Division manager; Ralph Dorio, ISO Community Mitigation manager; David R. Kasl, R.A., Code Enforcement Division assistant manager; Sheryl L. Hodges, D.E., P.E., L.P.G., director, St. Louis County Departments of Highways & Traffic and Public Works; Dale Thomure, CBO, CFM, ISO field representative; Charles A. Dooley, St. Louis County executive; and David Wrone, St. Louis County public information manager.